I have not been blogging milestones like I should have, but I will try much harder in the coming months because I am quite certain they will pick up pace now that my little guy is off and running...
He can:
- Follow objects held above his head 180 degrees both ways
- Follow objects while sitting up both ways
- Hold his head up pretty steady with no help anymore
- Sit up while you are holding his tummy and back
- Sit up in Bumbo for 10+ minutes (providing he is in the mood to do that!)
- Chew on his hands
- Brings legs up. He hasn't quite found his feet with his hands, but it won't be long now
- He moves constantly
- But even better....he smiles and coos. He has even started testing out the volume of his voice
- He protest when he doesn't want to take a nap (but mom knows he needs one)
- He has started reaching for objects and putting them in his mouth.
- Did a "mini push-up" while on tummy time
- Sleeping through the night (YAY!!!) We still wake him to give him a late night bottle around 10ish, but then I have to wake him up at 7am.
Here are some pictures I took today, on his three month birthday. I am not as good as TiTi is with the camera, but I think I did okay with no editing.
All Smiles this morning
Up on our elbows
Hotty Toddy!!!
Be on the lookout for my next post of pics from Mississippi! Connor's first trip south.